I am quite well and wish you to be in the same state. I am very glade you was very please in the hospital and I am quite well in this place when I will go to France I will write a letter to you If you have to write me letter please send one according to this address written below. I reach India very comfortably without any obstacle in the way. Please excuse this fault in failure I will despatch you the letters in every week until I am alive I am so thankful to you for the service you were done to me as no wife or mother cannot perform may God reward you for this act of kindness. and how reaching and then to our cantonment Jullundur Cantt: I write yo. The cause of delay in despatching the letter is that I cannot any man ni the way who may write the letter in English. I am very sorry here too hot in Egypt and I could not say when we are departing from Egypt to India please sent me a reply. I am arriving at Egypt and I hope you are in the best of health as I am at present and my hand is very painful please convey my best compliments to orderly Wilkinson good mothering. I hope to early reply fronme and Lal Singh you must tell all the Sisters sat siri akal. I was much obliged on you and I will pray for your long life and prus pitty. and Duffedar Haum Singh who was in Ward 2 Bed 18 is going to India He was told about you when I was leaving L.H.H then sister was quite ……. Now I am in the Indian Bease Depot Marsseilles I cannot tell when I will go to our Regiment and Duffasar Lal Singh is in this place. I am quite well and wish you to be in the same state Please thanks for your letter. Motherly hands and heart as you have done to me. I though it is unnecessary to tell you how eagerly I am waiting to go back to my home and to see once more those face Whom I haven’t seen for months months I close now with all my best salaams from all my heart and praying to god that may he bless you and give you long life that you might - look after other soldiers with the same tender here and don’t know anything as yet whether I shall be sent to India or to the front. I don’t think I shall ever be able to forget them I am alright. I hope you will not forget me and please write me a letter.Īllow me to express my hearty thanks through the medium of this letter of the kindness and motherly treatment which I received … in your hand while I was at your hospital. Pray for all and for me also to live safely. Thanks for your kindness in the hospital, I will never forget you sister. I will write you letters when I will go to …. And I hope that we shall leave the Depot on the 22nd …. I have been 7 days in the Indian military Depot and going on quite well.
and best compliments to all patients and officers. again I shall write a letter when I will reach Bombay for the sea journey.
I am alright and tolerably cheerful but am unable to hear from both ears. I am much thankful for your kindness which you have done upon me and I hope mai you will keep me in remembrance, I shall even pray for your long life and praise pretty with respect to my health. I am glad to say that I have reached Egypt at Eletandruja harbour. Please tell my best salaams to your orderly not much more news your most obedient I am very sorry I cannot see you when I go to India I will send a letter for you I am a little better now than before some little pain inside. I hope you be the good health and I am fit for India by your kindness. I close my short letter with best Salaams You did take good care with me and I will never forget your nourishment – please tell my best Salaams to all Sisters. I am in good health here and hope you are in the same spirit when I was with you. Just a few lines to write you know that I finished my journey and reached Barton Court.
Letters from Indian patients to various sisters.